Here we will see how to integrate Bluedart Courier API so we can send products to our customers and pick products from the customer.
we will Generate BlueDart WayBill also. In this tutorial, we are using CodeIgniter.
NOTE: It’s SOAP base API so never forget to extend it’s class in php, e.g.
class DebugSoapClient extends SoapClient.
this class is added in the given controller code.
Create a file in application/controllers/Bluedart.php and put the given code below.
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CHANGE / UPDATE these fields with real values, which you will get from BlueDart:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 'Profile' => array( 'Api_type' =>'S', 'LicenceKey'=>'XXXXkjhgkjhgjkhg87658765jkhg', // BlueDart will share 'LoginID' =>'MOZ1234', // BlueDart will share 'Version' =>'1.3' ) ); |
In Above Controller we are using MODEL ‘blueDartResponse()’ to save vluedart response to Database table, so we have to create a ‘model’ file here.
Create a file in application/models/Bluedartmodel.php and put the given code below.
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